Monday, July 21, 2008


We offer a lot of varieties of everything, particularly vegetables,

and i realized that I can Forrest Gump carrots in their varieties at the store.

(i.e.-Greenwise carrots, mini carrots, canned carrots, salted canned carrots, steamed canned carrots, and so on.)

Then it occured to me that I have not had a single customer request that I have not known where it was in months.

Go ahead blog buddies, ask away.

Hair color-Aisle 7, 1/3rd of the way down on the left

Bisquick, Aisle 6, 7/8ths of the way down on the right

Frozen organic apple pie, Aisle 13, seventh case door on the left (in frozen food)

I think I now know where everything is.

I am freak

My managers dont know as much.

That reminds me, Jive Manager is going to ask about the new store

super excited.

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