Friday, July 4, 2008


So I was called in on Thursday, and my till pulled like 7000 dollars... well technically not my till, but, the one I was using. seven thousand dollars, that is ridiculous. That is like a nice motorcycle, or a 1976 corvette (not mint, but working).

Yeah so some days I just want to grab the money and run.

But I don't, because seven thousand dollars, although it is a nice car or motorcycle, is not a plane ticket to Japan and a fake passport to avoid being arrested. So until the till reaches about thirty thousand dollars... I ain't going for it.

Yeah so I had like all nice customers too, which is weird because it means that next time they are going to be so mean that I lie on the ground bawling my eyes out and screaming for Olivia Newton John.

Okay, while at the very least Jodie Foster.

It was weird because the Health nut was the one who called me in, but she wasn't there at all.

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