Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There's time

Every time I think that I have screwed up big, or done something unrepairable it becomes plainly obvious that there is no way to mess up life beyond repair. It's all just a matter of paths that you go down.

I've become to obsessed with the things that I am currently doing to accomplish any of my goals. I got too wrapped up in the now, and I left the future to chance.

I've been at a lot of things since I was last here, and many things that I was doing have changed. So let's do a reset, a grocery term which here means "start over with a full shelf"

My job is still at the grocery, now I am a sample person. All day I purvey tiny bites of interesting food. Tiny bites, and just one please.

Good luck to you all on your new years reset, may all of your newfound convictions be fruitful for you.

1 comment:

minh said...

Yea! an updated blog entry :-) Somehow I enjoy picturing you being the sample guy, holding your small and only authority in making sure noone takes more than one. haha