Sunday, July 27, 2008

Last Day

Today I did very little, I made a little money, like 4 thousand, and I fixed a sqeaky door

not the squeaky part, but the part where it constanly slammed into the wall,

I added floor pads

easy fix

people hugged me

it was great


Friday, July 25, 2008


People actually were crying,

and some got angry at me.

I told people i was transferred and they made me feel like I was the most important part of their day.

which is weird, and bs

at least i hope


Monday, July 21, 2008


We offer a lot of varieties of everything, particularly vegetables,

and i realized that I can Forrest Gump carrots in their varieties at the store.

(i.e.-Greenwise carrots, mini carrots, canned carrots, salted canned carrots, steamed canned carrots, and so on.)

Then it occured to me that I have not had a single customer request that I have not known where it was in months.

Go ahead blog buddies, ask away.

Hair color-Aisle 7, 1/3rd of the way down on the left

Bisquick, Aisle 6, 7/8ths of the way down on the right

Frozen organic apple pie, Aisle 13, seventh case door on the left (in frozen food)

I think I now know where everything is.

I am freak

My managers dont know as much.

That reminds me, Jive Manager is going to ask about the new store

super excited.

Friday, July 18, 2008

No choice

Today I told my manager that I have no choice but to move to a new store, so she is going to call for me.

Because I was kicked out,

well I wont be welcome back after my birthday.


Thursday, July 17, 2008


I got in a fight woth my stepfather today over his drinking,but I did it at the wrong time.

Namely in front of his family.

and i feel terrible about it but there is little to nothing I can do, because he does all the things that I said he did.

I just told the wrong person entirely.

His nephew.

At dinner

with his family and I do not have any idea what to do about this.

because I am both apologetic, and stalwart about what I said.

But he is an alcoholic.


I dont even know what to think anymore.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Born Free (as free as the wind blows)

Today was absolutely great at work, because it occurred to me that there is very little that I can do wrong now.

I mean, I am going to a new store and there is really nothing that any of my managers can do about it so i am so chill now, that I have nothing to lose.

even if i cannot work at Publix, there is nothing to fear from the store that I am at now.

It is perfect.


relaxation at last.


The new store still has not called me and it worries me because I might have to quit working at Publix, because I have to move, and when I do I can't drive thirty minutes to work every day.

That sucks.

And reading Dan Savage today i came to the conclusion that my relationship with Sam will continue if it is meant to and it will not if it it is meant to in spite of distance and time.

And I just have to accept that.

That I think is all I have to say.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Today was also interesting, in that I applied for a position at Costco today.

What that will mean I have no idea,

I do know that the interview was riddled with catch 22 answers, like

If a coworker asked you do help him with something, but you were involved in meticulous work that you would have to restart if you left would you,

Help the coworker and lose your place, thereby being unable to complete your work in a timely fashion.


Refuse to help the coworker, resulting in him being unable to do his work in a timely fashion and possibly being injured trying.

There is no good answer, and there were no other options, i chose the first, but they both completely suck.



I don't even know what that was about.

Is there ever an actual instance that anything like that actually ever happens.

Changes (turn and face them)

So today was my first day of work in a while, and I have a lot to go through.

First of all, today was great, the customers and all the people I work with were grade A, not sucky today.

Friday, I went down to my grandfather's shop to work on my MG ( a car that he is letting me buy, yes it is a privilege).

Then I went down to Publix store 281, where I talked to the manager,

and after my eighteenth birthday, I will be cashiering there.

so three more weeks at the store where I was hired,

where I had my first job, and I learned to play the managers, and do my job, and how to work, really work.

I love it at 405, and despite my cynicism, I don't think at this point in my life there is a place that I would rather work, that is why I want this job for Sam, so he can hopefully get the same experiences, and the same feeling of belonging.

I will be switching stores because I will be moving, to winter park.

Which means that I will not only work someplace else, but obviously live someplace else.

Something that in my real memory, I cannot remember, I know that we did move when I was six, but I don't remember doing it.

It is scary.

Life is scary.

The worst part about moving is Sam.

By leaving I lose him, I don't have my boyfriend anymore when I move, all I have is my grandparents, and I am really unsure how they feel about me.

They have always had their own life, and I have only seen them on holidays and other special occasions.

And to be honest, I don't really think they like me very much. I think that perhaps they made the offer to give me room and board a little to flippantly for their liking, and now they might feel as though they are stuck with me in their life.

I hope not because I really like them, and I want them to be happy with me, I mean after all, it is nice to live with people who really want and value your presence.

I think I forgot to mention that, that I will be living with my grandparents.

Which I guess is good, because however much I like Publix, they pay me little more than 8 dollars an hour.

which in order to even cover an apartment and utilities, would be upwards of seventy hours a week, and I get like twenty.

So I guess that i am stuck, in a transition phase, where nothing is certain or favorable.

and it is tearing me apart.

I think if I didn't have an outlet like this, I would succumb to the depression and insanity that hovers in my genealogy.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Beverage check

I forgot about it, and ended up not catching a lazy cashier selling cigarettes and lotto tickets to underage people,

because I was out of town.

Shame on me

I should have called.

But I didn't, I guess that is a black mark on the record now...

Oh well.


Shrink is the amount of damaged stolen or otherwise unsaleable goods, calculated over store revenue.

This means if you go down the cereal aisle and open every goddamn box of cereal on the second shelf, you are a thief, and you raise everyone's prices by the amount you just broke open.

but that doesn't stop you because you can also go through and put loads of not frozen things INTO the frozen food section isn't that great?

Then when it gets all frozen, someone who works there can happen upon your stash of exploded frozen containers of Jimmie Dean sausage, and bratwurst, and cheerfully clean frozen meat from the now damaged pie crust and cool whip,

because nothing says inconsiderate like frozen sausage pie with whipped topping.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Heat stroke par 10 (not a store blog)

Hey I've got this great idea, we have this sport you see, it takes years to get good at, and requires all sorts of special equipment, right? Well why don't we just take the very most difficult sodding part, and put it in a thematic fantasyland, and then send people through with the idea that it is fun.

Then we have the kicker, lets put it in Florida, where outside is hot or rain, in no small terms.

Well, it actually was not that bad, I had Sam with me, and his guests were... cordial... snide, but cordial, and I can do that.

Sam was just great today, he just exudes this feeling of love and, when we were out today, he was even able to kind show affection, and he never does that.

I think it really means he loves me, that he is able to show affection in a sometimes unwelcoming environ.

Also there was air conditioning, and a great multitude of reasonably priced good food at TGI CHiliRubyAppleTuesdaybeeFriday's, because to me they are all the same, but they are all good, especially when there is a large party involved.

Plus, I think Sam really liked my present, and I got to be a greedy consumer in the process.

I love it.

Mostly because I am an American, and"real 'mericans" wander from mini mall to mini mall in the search of the perfect knick knack for that little unfilled corner between the curio cabinet, and the memory chest...

"No, not that space slightly higher, next to the novelty clock, I think I can still put another Pepsi poster there, I mean sure its gonna be overlapping, but isn't that like a collage?"

Oh well, keep on trucking America, after you run out of highways, there are always smaller roads to paper in strip malls.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I realized that we sell everything today

we sell clothes

and hand wash machines

and scales

and if you really want something Publix can special order it for you to get, even if it is another store's exclusive product, like if for some reason, you wanted Albertson's Hand wash, we could order it at Publix.

How exactly does that work... does somebody go to the competition and buy it so we can sell it, or do we order it directly

and is it awkward to buy a product from a competitor to sell to a customer who likes the product but not the competitor well enough to shop there...


It is weird how picky people are...

I had this lady today who actually pulled all the soaps off the shelf to find the most full one,

she was sitting there on the floor surrounded in dish soap kinda on her heels,

almost squatting, but with her knees all around surrounded in Ajax cleaner

there were like twenty bottles around this middle aged Haitian woman eying containers with suspect analysis

So i went up and said

"Is there anything that I can help you with today?"

And she said

"No, deah thank you though, I was jeest lookin ta find the fullest one tah bring home wit' me tahday."

Now I do not know if I represented the regional speech with the proper marks, but it still had the effect of telling me that tis woman was used to looking for a bargain, even if it just meant one more hand washing.

It would be more weird if this was an isolated case, but they do it all the time. Constantly eying things and weighing things, and we have this guy who likes his meat wrapped in double plastic,in a separate double paper bag from the rest of his products, and then asks for a hand wipe, and asks me to wipe mine, and then bags the rest himself.

I don't know what this tells me about life.

Are people supposed to de-construct all of the details of their lives to control and structure every moment.

Or are we supposed to look at the big picture, and act like most customers, who literally could not care less about any aspect of the packaging or product selection process, they just want to get the hell out so they can go home and live their life.

So do we control life before we live it, or do we just live it, and not care about each individual step.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Buy Dumb Crap

Just for the sake of having dumb crap, so it can overflow in the halls of your already overfull home

Buy one of 200 different spices, many of them so similar that there is no discernible difference.

Buy one of six different kinds of spice rack, or perhaps more cheap trash novels and novelty dog collars with matching dog sweaters in six different colors.

Buy a creme cake, or éclairs or one of over 100 desserts, with no nutritive value.

Do not buy, broccoli or Brussels sprouts, because they are discontinued, here at Publix supermarkets.

Do not buy anything organic, instead let it gather dust, so we can dust it each Friday.

Let other people worry about health because that pork chop ain't gonna hurt ya

Eat like pigs, and fake your way through life, by treating your body, your kids and other people like crap, so you don't have to think about the fact that one day you are going to die, even though by avoiding it you actually bring death closer, in a more painful way.

I owe you an explanation

The managers all have nicknames,

Jive Manager is Shelinda Knowles

Health nut is Sarah Feld

Fearless leader is Ray Gritweld

The Assistant is Jim Swords

Hitman is Mr. Priest (don't know his first name)

The Surfer is Clark Kent

Don't worry, these are not their actual names.

and I will never tell their real names.

Otherwise I might have to fear for my job.

(my name is real)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Old Indian lady story

This happened a while ago, but since I have nothing else about work today...

So I was putting something back in HBC(Health and beauty care (aisle 7)) and this little old lady, she is tiny, like 4' 11', maybe 100lbs tiny little woman, with a pink head wrap walks up and she asks,

"Do you have any preservatives?"

So I'm thinking like canning supplies, like Sure-gel or Certo, but when we get there she says,

"No, like for my son."

And I think to myself, um you're in the wrong place for formaldehyde (spelled that right on my first try thank you), and so I tell her,

"Um, I don't believe we have embalming fluids available at the store."

To which she replies,

"No, no, like for sex."

It occurs to me and I say,

"Oh! Contraceptives, you want condoms?"


So I walk her to aisle 11 where we keep them, and she picks up like three or four boxes.

I don't want to think about why this woman is buying her son forty eight condoms, so i go to the registers, and I bag some groceries, but before long, I see a pink head wrap at the end of the line.

Oh, Bother.

So she gets up there, but while the customer before her(who has kids mind you) gets away, she says,

"Thank you for helping me find the preservatives, I mean, condoms like you say."

I sigh and say

"You're welcome ma'am"

As I bag up forty eight condoms for some embarrassed young Indian boy who has a way too involved midget mother.

Friday, July 4, 2008


So I was called in on Thursday, and my till pulled like 7000 dollars... well technically not my till, but, the one I was using. seven thousand dollars, that is ridiculous. That is like a nice motorcycle, or a 1976 corvette (not mint, but working).

Yeah so some days I just want to grab the money and run.

But I don't, because seven thousand dollars, although it is a nice car or motorcycle, is not a plane ticket to Japan and a fake passport to avoid being arrested. So until the till reaches about thirty thousand dollars... I ain't going for it.

Yeah so I had like all nice customers too, which is weird because it means that next time they are going to be so mean that I lie on the ground bawling my eyes out and screaming for Olivia Newton John.

Okay, while at the very least Jodie Foster.

It was weird because the Health nut was the one who called me in, but she wasn't there at all.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Busiest day ever

Independence day is tomorrow, and it is packed, completely packed.

I wasn't working today, but as a customer, I would be raving mad if I ever had to sit through lines like that, raving fucking mad.

And to clarify, it isn't like I don't understand why customers get mad, but I do realize that in the grand scheme, getting one little piddling thing out of place, is not going to kill you.

even as I say this, my hypocrisy is that I asked a cashier to open another register, which she shut down like two people after I got through the line.

So, I kinda cheated the extra perks a little...

But wouldn't you do it too?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No work on Wednesday

I never work on Wednesday I have availability for it, but I never seem to be in the schedule.


I have a friend who applied at my store, and I wanted to help him get hired, so I told Shelinda, (one of the cooler managers) about him, and she said "Our store is losing money, and we ain't got hours as is, so Ray (the store manager's first name) don't wanna do any hiring."

So I guess I'll have to pray for a quitter.

They aren't all that uncommon,

people quit because they feel demeaned or like the work is below them, which, it is I guess.
It is one of the most necessary things on earth, and one of the most stressful, but people crack, because customers complain.

I was walking to aisle 5 yesterday, and one of the other cashiers asks me to check a price for them, and as I am doing so the customer comes up and starts on it was in the wrong place, and i get the other price, or get it free... blah blah blah... ( do people honestly think that because they didn't read the goddamned sign it is free) and she gets to the register all mad and demands reimbursement.

We cant do that.

Its the same as being on an airplane, and because you didnt get the seat you wanted you get a comp seat.

it doesn't happen, and if it did our store would hemorrhage even more money.

And besides I control little more than a scale and a conveyor belt.

Sorry this one is a little angry

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So today I had an idea, probably a good idea, I suggested, that my little store, that is hemorrhaging money, could try to hold seminars to raise sales. We could do things like, show the customers how to pick fresh produce, or sample olives.

I suggested it to Sarah the assistant customer service manager and she said she would talk about it to Mr. Gritweld the store manager.

I don't think she actually will.

Its not her fault, she is timid, and he is gruff and unchanging, I think that is how you have to be to survive as a manager at a store.
It's not like the job is impossible, but in order to make money, the customers have to be treated like god, conversely, in order to survive years of complaints and miserable employees and customers, you have to not care. Its like having to hold a smile for the rest of your life.
Eventually thats all there is and changing anything is out of the question.

Where shopping is a pleasure

That's the motto.

I work at Publix, a southern grocery store founded a little over 80 years ago.

And its great, every job has ups and downs, and you learn a little about yourself, watching other people do all of their hunter gathering.

So I guess, this is supposed to be about me, and what it means to be me, get it?

Well, I hope so.